What do Parents Know?
Nobody said parenting teenagers was easy. Join Amit Kalley as he interviews professionals and people with lived experience on a variety of issues that affect 21st century teenagers. Each episode provides advice and guidance for parents to help them deal with the issue being discussed and to support their children. You can't help your teenager if you don't know what your teenager is going through.
What do Parents Know?
3.3: Sexualisation of Young People
In this episode, I'm joined by Vanessa McFarlane, founder of Mariposa Education, where we discuss how young people are exposed to a sexualised world younger than ever. We talk about the role schools have to play, but also how they often find themselves against parents that want to shelter their children from sex education. We also discuss how boys and men need to be part of the solution and not always singled out as being the problem when it comes to sexual behaviour, especially in schools.